I haven't been very consistent in posting comics... you know cuz of life. I'm going to try really really hard to post more frequently. Ideally a comic a day or at least workday (or 5 once a week)... but we'll see. No promises, ok...
I had a dream where I was in the apartment I live in now, only it was in the country not the city... a giant black Mastiff came up to me holding a black mastiff puppy. The Mastiff mom said the puppy could be mine... when I looked at the puppy, I knew it was Scout.
Stickies In Love are more or less comics about everyday life things. Sometimes sad, sometimes profound, sometimes bitter and angry, and sometimes a little silly...
Joanna is an editor in Southern California. Her credits include World of Warcraft: Old Soldier, Lost Honor, Safe Haven, and Reckoning, Miles From Tomorrowland, Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja, Kaijudo Rise of the Duel Masters, and more! She has also directed, written, and animated several short animated films, including the award-winning short film Tomboy.